FAQ: What Are the Artwork Guidelines for Embroidery?

Embroidered promotional apparel art guidelines aren’t much different than any graphic art guidelines. With one exception; more on that later. As with many types of media, vector art is preferable. If you’re not familiar with vector, its lines and shapes are determined mathematically, therefore, the quality of the graphic isn’t diminished when enlarged.

Another good practice is sending a color proof with any artwork to provide accurate color matching. Acceptable media for most artwork and embroidery include CD, DVD, and flash drives. Always keep in mind the quality of any print or embroidery is limited by the quality of the artwork. If the artwork is poor quality, it will reflect in the final product.

Finally, the difference between embroidery and other graphic art is color. It’s not always possible to match a PMS (Pantone Matching System) color, although a close thread color can usually be found. If you’d like to know more about embroidery on promotional apparel, contact us — we’d be happy to sew up the details with you.