Corporations have come to the realization that work environment affects culture, which in turn affects production. It’s critical because it not only affects production but retention and recruitment as well. So, one of our favorite examples of effective use of wall graphics is PERQ. We were privileged to work with them on interior and exterior signage as well as interior wall space. Their workspace is exhilarating. Nearly everyone who visits comments how much they’d enjoy working in such vibrant surroundings. Most visitors comment how much they’d like to work at PERQ. Many do just that. So, don’t downplay the importance of corporate wall graphics.

Where Can Wall Graphics be used?

Any compliant surface will support wall graphics. Wall graphics lend themselves to imaginative use. Because the only limit is imagination. Here are eight locations to consider.

Break Room

TKO used a combination of wall graphics, an Indianapolis city scene, signage, furnishings, and lighting to create an inviting space.


So, why limit lobby branding to a sign when it can be enhanced by wall graphics?

Game Room

So, why the game room? Because, any corporate office that has a game room would be well advised to add to the fun with appropriate wall graphics.

Work Area

For years companies have used the psychology of color to create invigorating work environments. Because, color and design affect how people work and how they feel about work. So, why not take it further with custom wall graphics.


Don’t forget about manufacturing and production areas.

Corporate Timeline

Both employees and clients appreciate corporate timeline. Because, sharing milestones and recognition is appreciated by all.

Workout and Wellness Facilities

Wall graphics can be used to create a fun, positive environment for getting healthy. This is important because healthy employees are productive employees.


A recognition wall can be used to recognize employees, customers, and company charitable initiatives. If you want to a pull team together and show appreciation, there may no better way.

Is it Time to do something with your walls?

Interior corporate wall space is being wasted all over America. The space could be used to recognize employees, add some fun, or promote a corporate cause. Is it time to step up and cover your walls with excitement? We’d be happy to help. We have this covered.