Vehicle Wraps Advertise
Unless you live off the grid, never drive, and don’t visit the city. You know there is a lot of advertising on vehicles these days. Most company vehicles share graphics—from cut decals to full wraps. Vehicle graphics have been added to the brand unification checklist for most marketing initiatives and for good reason. Vehicle graphics reach ninety-five percent of Americans and have a lower cost per impression than most other forms of advertising including: Television, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, and Billboards– No Excuse not to Advertise on your Vehicle. But did you know a full wrap offers some protection to the vehicle as well?
Vehicle Wraps Protect
Although vehicle wraps have never been designed or warranted to protect a vehicles finish, they do just that. A vehicle wrap will not protect paint and finish from severe damage, but it does offer some protection from light scratches and the ultraviolet rays of the sun. According to this 3M FAQ for Wrap Film Series 1080, “Wrap film will protect the paint underneath it from some sun damage and mild abrasions. It is not designed as a paint protection film, but the wrap does provide some protection between light abuse and the car finish.” Protecting the finish can save maintenance costs and add to the resale value of the vehicle.
Double your Pleasure Double your Fun!
Vehicle wraps should be at the top of any organization’s marketing budget. The only two reasons not to begin any marketing campaign with vehicle graphics are no vehicles or no marketing budget. Otherwise wouldn’t it be prudent to begin a marketing strategy with the most cost effective media—fleet graphics? Plus, there’s a bonus, full wraps do protect paint and finish. I call that a win-win. If you’d like to learn more about advertising on and protecting your organization’s fleet, Contact us we’ll help you protect your advertising investment.
Photo by Martin Lewison / CC BY-SA
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