FAQ: What Can I Use Instead of a Business Card?Great question. I know I’ve collected cards—especially at events, and later wondered who they belonged to and what connections we’d made. I’ve tossed cards into drawers to be forgotten, and I’m certain the same has happened to many of the cards I’ve passed out. So what’s the answer? I’m going to answer that question with a question. What are you trying to accomplish?

Share More Information

Space on a business card is limited and easy to clutter. Not long ago, a business card simply shared your company name and logo, your name and title, and address with phone number. Adding email, social media handles and icons—it doesn’t take much for a card to become ineffectively overdone. Brochures, one pagers, and tri-folds all have room for more, but do people keep them? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. At TKO, we’ve been successful using rack cards with a TKO Graphix promotional pen attached. The cards are 3″ x 5″ and printed on both sides. They not only allow for more information than a card, but the pen is a leave behind most people keep.

Leave Behind Something People will Keep

Let’s face it, most of us have hoarded business cards in files and folders, seldom to look at them again. What can you leave behind that folks will use and therefore be reminded of you and your organization? As I mentioned, pens have always worked well. Notepads and sundry office supplies are promotional products people will use and keep—they’ll remember your brand. At TKO, we leave behind a padfolio, which has a business card, a call to action card, and a flash drive with a 90 second showcase of our facilities, services, and capabilities.

Instead of eliminating business cards, the best answer may be to add promotional and collateral material to your marketing plan, creating a leave behind package. What do you leave behind and how has it worked for you?

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