My wife will represent her district, for an international organization, at a convention later this year. It’s tradition to share promotional products with other representatives at the conference. While there’s nothing wrong with pins and pens, my wife wanted something different, something outside of the box, something that represented her area and team. Given a little background, and the no pins or pens request, TKO Marketing Solutions Project Coordinator, Jessica Bowman, went to work. She began asking questions and offering suggestions.

Here’s a few of the questions Jessica asked.

• How many will you need?
• What’s your budget?
• Do you have a logo, slogan, or call to action?
• What fonts, colors, and designs are appropriate?
• What story do you want to tell?

Jessica found a specialty product that everyone could use at a conference, a highlighter, but not just any highlighter, a highlighter in the iconic shape of the organization’s logo. And, there was plenty of room for Jessica to add a quote, area identification, and my wife’s name.

Explore Your Options

Don’t settle for the commonplace or mundane unless it’s what’s going to work best for your needs. And if you want to know what’s available, ask a professional promotional product advisor, like Jessica, to help you navigate the waters. If you’d like some ideas on the best specialty products for your needs, Jessica and the TKO Marketing Solutions team would be happy to steer you in the right direction. You can contact us here.

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